Here you will find information about lectures and seminars.
Where possible, a link has been provided giving information on the lecture and the presentation.
- Social media and mobile applications: new trends and their legal traps – IMCAS World Congress 2016, 28.-31.01.2016, Paris More information
- “Der Compliance-Officer im Pharmaunternehmen. Anforderungsprofil und praktische Herausforderungen” – 14. AKG Compliance Office Meeting, 21. Oktober 2015, Berlin, Germany (Dr. Mathias Klümper)
- “3D Bioprinting and its legal challenges” 3D Bioprinting Conference, 26. Januar 2016, MECC Maastricht, The Netherlands (Dr. Mathias Klümper) More Information
- “Social media and mobile applications: new trends and their legal traps” – IMCAS World Congress 2016, 28.-31. Januar 2016, Paris, France (Dr. Mathias Klümper) More Information
- “Mythos Motivation: Effektive Umsetzung von Compliancesystemen im Unternehmen.” – 19. Marburger Gespräche zum Pharmarecht. 3.-4. März 2016 Marburg, Germany (Dr. Mathias Klümper) More Information
- “3D Bioprinting. Overview on the Current EU Framework and Outlook to Upcoming Changes.” – The 1st International Conference of Digital Medicine & Medical 3D Printing, 17.-19. Juni 2016 in Nanjing, China (Dr. Mathias Klümper) More Information
- “German Anti-Corruption Law 2016 and Compliance Management Systems“, Institut du Risk et Compliance, 16./17. Mai 2019, Paris (Dr. Mathias Klümper) Zur Veranstaltung